Feb 11, 2010

Pedestal Table Revival

I really have always loved a timeless round pedestal table. When we first moved to Calgary and had no kitchen table I searched kijiji to find a cheap one. I found a decent one for a $30 price tag so I was sold. Unfortunately on the way home we encountered a very unfriendly cop (whom later would become Morgan's co-worker...) and after a steep $130 dollar ticket, the table wound up costing us whopping $160 dollars. I worked out on our balcony for days to create my fantasy white pedestal table, although it was kind of a wimpy looking table to begin with and my high gloss paint and varnish job made everything stick to it. We weren't sad to see it go when we replaced it with a table my parents gave us when we moved into this house. Recently, however, a friend of mine was moving and gave me this pedestal table that her kids had used as a basement craft table. My brain starting formulating fantasy pedestal table ideas again, although this time not with white and not with sticky varnish. As a before, it's your generic oak pedestal table, just in a little rougher shape than normal, but MAN it's a solid piece of furniture and I love the chunky pedestal. Mason also makes an appreance below in his lounge wear. We appropriately call this his "Team Canada" outfit. It was decorated with alot of permanent marker. Here is the after. After some sanding (I hate sanding), primer, and more sanding for a "distressed" look, she's a whole new table.
I couldn't make up my mind if I wanted to go for a more elegant look and have it plain glossy black, or go for a more shabby look and distress it. After I painted it all black, I knew the "elegance" wouldn't last 5 minutes with my kids eating at this table so by giving it an already antiqued look I don't have to worry about additional bumps and scratches.
I have a feeling though that I will be changing it to white one day when I'm sick of black. Shhh don't tell Morgan.
The new table has given me a couple more ideas to help spruce up our eating nook. I bought a new light fixture on kijiji a couple weeks ago for $15 and I have a plan for the wall featured here...we'll see how it turns out....
Next piece of furniture is an old coffee table that I found at the thrift store for $6.49. Morgan rolled his eyes when I came home lugging it up our front steps and through the door but I think he is getting more and more patient and accepting of my new addiction. We're not quite at "encouraging" though......in time maybe.


  1. Morgan is SO lucky to have a creative wife who sees the potential in old things. That table is a beauty now. The photo really shows is off well. Good Job Sue.

  2. Yay Sue! It turned out great!!! I love it! Love the flowers in the middle too :) Can't wait to see the coffee table!

  3. I'm loving that table. And, your little 'about me' section at the top is so funny! I love it!

  4. You did such a great job! I love your style, Morgan is so lucky!

  5. You are brilliant!!!! Love it! You need to come over and revamp my entire house for me, haha!
