Here is the beautiful Pottery Barn "Mia" wall sconce. They retail for about $69.00, EACH.

I found these Shannon Crystals at Homesense for $3.00, on mega clearance - obviously no one wanted them because their purpose was very unclear - are they for decorating wine glasses? napkin rings? who knows.

These are yet again my $4.00 Thirft Store black wall candle sconces - painted white.

It took me a while....but I played around with the crystals and the clasps and was able to come up with a configuration that used all of the crystals equally between each sconce. A little sewing thread and a couple drops of hot glue helped out.

They will never actually hold taper candles, since one of them is a bit crooked - and because these are in my daughter's room....
The 3 vases were also a thrifty find at 0.99 cents each.

While my chandelier sconces don't even come close to the Pottery Barn "Mia's" , with break down of $3.50 each I don't mind having the homemade ones.