Dec 3, 2010

Seasonal Celebrations, and Wreaths

We started off the holiday season by decorating gingerbread cookies. I have to admit I didn't really bake these from scratch, I bought one of those "just add butter and water" PC packaged cookie mixes, since Elizabeth convinced me to, and I really didn't see myself baking much from scratch for the holidays. I love to cook. Baking....not so much. The thing about baking is that things always have to LOOK pretty, and I just don't have the patience for it. The other thing is I have no will power and I eat it all within two days, even if I put most away in the freezer. A frozen cookie tastes just as good as a cookie straight from the oven in my opinion. Therefore, I just don't bake. Mason. I think he looks a lot like my Mom here....
We had a little last minute birthday party for Elizabeth. At Morgan's request, we made Frootloop necklaces.
Here is me looking bossy and telling the kids what to do. We are playing the "pass the gift around and unwrap a layer game". And I'm a brunette now....
I found time to fit in a tiny project. I found two of these old wreaths last year at Homesense in the clearance bin.....
for 0.70 cents each! They were sprayed an interesting gold....
They were missing quite a few pine cones, though on a recent trip to Banff with one of my best friends Andrea and her bf, we went to the park with the kids and we collected some pine cones. Why didn't we just collect some in our backyard you may ask? Because there are no trees in Alberta....
This picture is terrible, but I sprayed them with a can of deep red (looks almost black here) I had in the basement. And this is the begining of the wreaths in our home.
Morg sat down one day and asked me "do you know we have 11 wreaths on our main floor alone? " Oops. I don't know what it is about a wreath, but I really just love them. The circular shape, the fact that each wreath has a theme, the fact that you can find one to fit ANY theme. They are my favorite (I guess besides the tree) way to decorate for the holidays.
And since we have no fireplace, the swags of fresh greenery found a place on our armoire.... These little sparkly wreaths are from the dollar store last year, and so is the ribbon.
Smallish/mediumish wreaths on our pantry door....
The front door wreath.
The end. Hope everyone is enjoying the seasonal festivities so far!