The first most exciting piece of news is my sister gave birth to a perfect little baby boy named Benson a couple weeks ago. We all get to meet him in 2 weeks when we all head out to Victoria. I would include a picure of his perfection except that they are saved on Morg's phone. I am so excited to meet this chilled out little guy!
The second most exciting piece of news is that my 3.5 year old little girl is potty trained. After months of her refusing to go on the potty, she finally decided it was time. In spirit of celebration, we all put on our underwear and danced aroudn the house. Just kidding, only Mason did.

The kids discovered a new fun way to eat lunch. Who needs chairs and a table?
Elizabeth is old enough to ACTUALLY help out around the house now, instead of just pretending to, and therefore creating an even bigger mess for me to clean.
We went to the provincial park down the road for a little hike as a family one morning.
Hopefully next time we go the water will be warm enough to dip our feet in.
What Mason looks like every morning after his favorite blueberry shake.
Morg and I have been looking for fun and different ways to work out. We went as a family to the Memorial Stairs and each took turns going up and down five times as the kids played in the grass at the bottom. We are pretty competitive with each other so it helps put a little extra jump in our step hahaha.
We've spent a lot of time at local parks. This night we met our friends Carrie and Tyler there and the girls tried to coordinate a dance number on the stage. It didn't last very long.
We still have a lot more to update but that'll be it for now. We just spent a wonderful couple of days in Lethbridge with the Kyle fam and I'll be waiting for Morg to download those pics off his camera for another future post. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer and get to spend a lot of time with family and/or friends!